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Reflecting on a great year!
As 2022 draws to an end we would like to take a moment to recognize what an amazing year it has been for Advent eLearning. We have made...

Advent eLearning is your complete resource for diversion management
Managing your programs for diversions or alternative sentencing can be complex and time consuming when you consider all the steps...

What to know when you must take a court ordered marijuana course
If you have been ordered to take a marijuana course, the process can be challenging. You’ll need to find an online marijuana course that...

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
If you are experiencing the negative effects of poor decision making associated with the way you think about things and the way you see...

Take the 5-minute Anger Issues Test
Everyone knows anger as an emotion that often feels destructive and self-destructive. But when you get past the stereotypes, anger is...

Create your own curriculum with Advent eLearning
Improved workflow automation is an important feature built into the most recent update release of the Advent eLearning platform. It is...

What is the difference between stealing and shoplifting?
When you break it down, shoplifting and stealing are both the same thing. However, there is a slight difference in the way each term is...

What You Need to Know About Court Ordered Animal Care Classes
When you are facing a court case, there are many factors that the judge will consider. One of those factors might be your willingness to...

Online Boating Course Near Me
If you have been charged with a boating related crime, there may be consequences. Depending on the specifics of your case, it’s possible...

Can I Manage My Anger for Free?
When you get angry, it’s easy to feel out of control. You might feel like you're a victim of your own emotions and unable to manage or...

Jump Links Take Platform Navigation to New Heights
The Advent eLearning platform has recently been updated with a number of adjustments designed to expand functionality and to improve our...

Screening and approval made easy
With Advent eLearning you benefit from convenient and time saving services like our participant screening and approval process. We start...

How Long Does an Anger Management Class Take?
Anyone who has ever had anger management problems knows how hard it is to control your temper. Keeping your cool in any given situation...

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Complete an Anti-Theft Class
As an alternative to jail time, courts will sometimes sentence defendants to take a class that teaches them the consequences of their...

Anger Management Therapy Techniques
When you’re frustrated, it can be a challenging time. You might find yourself getting angry, which is normal and happens to many people....

How to Successfully Complete Your Court Ordered Anti-Theft Class
Many courts are now giving people with theft-related offenses the option of completing an anti-theft class online. This is great news for...

We don’t normally endorse candidates, but this one’s a winner by a landslide.
When you elect to use Advent eLearning you’ve aligned yourself with a trusted public servant. Advent eLearning has been changing peoples’...

What you need to know about firearm responsibility
Do you own a gun? If so, do you lock it up safely and securely every time you’re not using it? Do you have children or teenagers living...

What legally qualifies as harassment?
When people hear the term “workplace harassment,” they often imagine a guy uncomfortably asking out a co-worker, getting shot down and...

Find a cheap anger management course
When you suffer from anger issues, you are unable to control your emotions and impulses. When your anger gets triggered, you tend to lose...
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